Burnie High School
The Redevelopment is a result of a devastating fire which occurred on December 15th 2009. The fire caused extensive damage to a multi-use teaching block and adjacent library. As a direct consequence of the fire the teaching block which housed 1000m² of floor space was demolished. A dilapidated terrapin located next to fire affected block was also demolished providing a green field site for redevelopment.
The school community requested that the Department of Education in partnership with the State Government utilise fully the opportunity provided by the fire and capitalise on the replacement of the demolished block with a leading 21st century learning facility which will service Burnie High School and the community for the next 20 years.
The aftermath of the fire represented a unique opportunity to redesign a central hub within Burnie High School, which consisted of:
- A new Performing Arts Centre – including student cafe, dance/drama studios, Recording studio and ‘green’ room)
- A new student learning plaza including 6 classrooms and central learning hub.
- Redevelop the existing Library building and extending to include new year 10 classrooms and breakout spaces.
- Redevelop an existing classroom block into a new Arts Building as well as commercial teaching kitchens.

Burnie, Tasmania