Burnie Aquatic Centre
The successful upgrade and commercially sustainable Burnie Aquatic Centre, represents a significant investment by The Burnie City Council, permitting ARTAS together with Stubbs Construction a leading opportunity to deliver within budget and on time, a contemporary state of the art facility. The Centre, will not only host high level swimming training but also a range of smaller community events. Our aim was to achieve, “a well defined and successful regional resource that would instill a sense of pride and belonging for the community, culminating in a sense of place for swimming”, which operates 18 hours a day throughout the different climatic seasons.
The overall complex has been constantly designed with high levels of client and user group engagement, so that children, parents, schools and swimming squads would feel comfortable to utilize the facility on a social as well as an active recreational basis. Disability design was foremost and paramount to the entire complex.
We have drawn on our valuable design and technical knowledge gained while working on the Devonport Aquatic Center. We have creatively included the client’s requirements for a 25m heated indoor and 50m exterior pool with related change rooms, ablution areas and durable service / equipments plant rooms. Clear legible entrances lead users to a centrally positioned surveillance kiosk /coffee shop which permits the use of glass as a magical transparent material – visually opening up the main pool hall into the public arrival spaces and on to the outdoor terraces and garden areas, giving the building a life of its own. One can anticipate the activities before one even gets to them. Natural sunlight is allowed to filter in, creating mood and atmosphere to the spaces.
The project also employs the use of a number of different sized halls and spatial volumes for specific or multi-functional community enjoyment. One day a karate studio, another day a dance studio, a table tennis club or a business venue for community meetings. A new gym is well integrated in to the complex for PCYC users and young children frolic excitedly with the brightly coloured toys on the especially designed water splash pad.
The need for carefully chosen thermally efficient, condensation resistant and durable construction materials together with clever use of colours to enhance spatial design and axial progression through spaces has been specified by ARTAS.
ARTAS have successfully demonstrated their experience and expertise with over 40 dynamic, focused personnel on their project with an energy and focus to meet and exceed the project goals and deliver an exceptional project outcome.

Burnie, Tasmania
Public Buildings
Sports & Recreation